Friday, February 5, 2010

Lessons from Habakkuk...Humble Doubt

Some people claim that it’s totally okay to question God, even to get angry at Him. I think I might call this arrogant doubt. Others would never dare to approach Him with the questions that are in their hearts. They simply try to cover up their questions in a sort of fearful doubt.

Many times God’s ways do not make sense to us. So how are we supposed to handle the questions and doubts that naturally arise out of our lack of understanding? I think I’ll ask Habakkuk.

Habakkuk, how do you deal with doubt?

*Habakkuk is honest before God.

Habakkuk deals with a lot of questions as he observes the wickedness around him. He asks, “Why aren’t You doing something?” When God answers and says, “I am doing something – something you would not even believe if I told you…I am raising up your enemies to overcome you…” Habakkuk’s next question is, “Why are You doing that?” God’s ways do not make sense to Habakkuk, and he is honest about his doubt. He freely admits to God his struggle to reconcile who he knows God to be with how God appears to be working (or not working) in his situation.

*Habakkuk’s questions are always backed by a statement of faith.

The prophet’s doubts are not out of control, because even though things do not make sense to him, he still grounds himself in God’s character. Yes, he asks, “Why are You doing this?”, but he also proclaims, “You are from everlasting…Your eyes are too pure to approve evil.” He reminds himself in chapter 3 of all the things that God has done for His people in the past to save them, and rests on the knowledge that this Savior King does not change.

*After Habakkuk asks his questions, he determines to wait and listen to hear what God will speak to him.

Habakkuk’s decision in the middle of his faith crisis is to “keep watch to see what He will speak to me.” Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Habakkuk understood this. The only way to overcome doubt is to combat it with the truth of the word of the Lord. Habakkuk has confidence that the Lord will speak to him and that the truth is strong enough to answer his doubts.

And what is the end result of Habakkuk’s process of dealing with his doubt? His faith was strengthened. His honest questions, his remembrance of who God is, and his perseverance in waiting to hear from the Lord pay off. In the end Habakkuk is filled with peace and joy even though the prophecy of destruction does not change.

I want that. I want to experience doubt and come out on the other side with a faith that is stronger. I have failed miserably in the past. I have allowed doubt to overwhelm me instead of allowing faith to overcome doubt. But next time, I pray that I will not be so arrogant as to question God without fear and reverence; I pray that I will not be so fearful to admit my weakness that I would bury my questions under a façade of false strength. But I pray that I would be a humble doubter, an honest questioner who does not forget who God is in the middle of the storm, but who humbly waits to hear what God wants to teach me.

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