Sunday, June 19, 2011


I have lots of things to be thankful for.

I’m thankful that food tastes so good. Especially 2 spoonfuls of peanut butter mixed with brown sugar, all hot and melty after 3 sets of 22 seconds in the microwave, eaten just before bedtime. Every night.

I’m thankful for books. And bookshelves. And office supply stores. Oh, the smell of fresh, unused paper…

I’m thankful for Raid roach-killer spray.

I’m thankful that my eyes work. I do play the piano on occasion with my eyes closed, though, just so I’ll be one step ahead in case I ever lose my vision.

Of all the things I’m thankful for, this one makes my top 10 list easily…

I’m thankful for my dad.

I’m thankful for my dad for a lot of reasons. Like, the fact that the worst word I ever heard growing up was “Fiddle.” Oh, you know it’s bad if that word comes out of his mouth. Or the fact that the one image that crops up over and over again from my childhood is one of running into my mom and dad’s bedroom and seeing my dad, kneeling on the floor with Bible and notebook and books spread out on the bed in front of him.

But most of all, I’m forever thankful because I have never once struggled with the idea of God as my heavenly Father. So many people really have a hard time accepting the image of God as Father, maybe because their dad was abusive, or neglectful, or absent. But I don’t. I have other issues, but understanding the fatherhood of God is not one of them. My dad gave me the best possible human example of this, and largely because of his example in my life, I don’t have any problem seeing my heavenly Father as…

Completely accepting of me

Unconditional in His love

Willing to talk and free with His wisdom

Taking delight in me as His child

Faithful to discipline me to keep me on the path of righteousness

Always having my best interest at heart

And now I have another element of gratitude on my top 10 list: the fact that my daughter will have the same experience as I did. I married a man who I am confident will give my little girl an accurate first picture of God as Father. I'm so glad to know that Claire will not wonder what it means to have a father's unconditional love. Spencer is a man after God's own heart, and Claire will one day realize what a rare and precious gift it is to have a godly daddy. My dad is not perfect, and neither is my husband. But they have this in common: The more they walk with God, the more they look like Him. And I can’t think of a whole lot of things to be more thankful for than that.

Happy Father’s Day.